Корисні ресурси

       Useful resources

´Learn English with these free learning English videos and materials from BBC Learning English. This site will help you learn English and improve your vocabulary.
´Lingualeo  ефективний сервіс для вивчення англійської мови
´На Duolingo є хороші безкоштовні куси іноземних мов. Тут все представлено в ігровій формі.
´На BBC languages можна вивчити основні фрази понад 40 мов.
´За допомогою сервісу Interpals можна знайти товариша для переписки з іншої країни.
´а на My Language Exchange можна знайти людей для переписки, які вивчають ту ж мову, що й ви.

´Сайт, де ви не лише знайдете тексти англомовних пісень, але й зможете виконати завдання на граматику та лексику.
´Завдання на основі пісень.
´Сайт з аудіоісторіями та вправами до них. Також є фонетичні вправи.
´Youtube-канал англійський до мозку кісток.
´Вона навчить вас розмовляти з лондонським акцентом.
´Або звучати як аристократ. It’s up to you!
´Ця енергійна пані чудово пояснює граматику та лексику.
´Глобальна мережа носіїв мови.
´Базове членство – безкоштовне.

´Тут ви можете знайти носія мови, який зацікавлений у вивчені вашої рідної мови.
´The British Council LearnEnglish website features tons of interactive videos, games and podcasts. No matter what topic interests you, you will always find something there. There are also discussion boards under activities, so you can share your ideas with other learners.
´If you are into learning with video, TV and films, try FluentU. There are interactive captions, so if you tap on any word, you will see an image, definition and useful examples.
´There are many comics available online, including those for language learners, like Grammarman, which you can also listen to while you read.
´Whether you are looking for the origin of idioms or individual words, the Online Etymology Dictionary may be quite helpful.
´On Forvo, you can listen to native and non-native speakers from different parts of the world pronouncing different words and phrases. Just type in the word, choose the speaker and practise.
´Spaced repetition' platforms and online software (e.g., Anki, where you can practise with full sentences), you can schedule revision on your own. Make index cards with your words (use it in a sentence on one side and put the definition/translation/image on the other), then set up a schedule for revising them.
´You can find tons of quizzes and games on Quizlet.com
´The Folding Story. This is an online version of the popular writing game where each player writes one line of a story and passes it on to another player to add to it. In the online version, each player gets just three minutes to write a line and scores points by the number of likes they receive for their lines.
´Online community of language learners such as The Polyglot Club, where you can ask questions and practise with native speakers from all over the world.
´ Context Clues   is a great addition to vocabulary instruction. With reading passages, handouts and a quiz to help students understand unknown vocab words, it’s a great addition to any vocabulary lesson.
Free grammar, vocabulary and speaking lessons, exercises, tests, teachers resources and much more - materials and resources for teachers and learners.
MES Games offers ESL games and activities to learn English. You'll find grammar games, listening activities, spelling, vocabulary games and more!
With the YouTube Trends Dashboard, you can view the recently most viewed and most shared videos. They have given an option to browse by country, region, age and gender.

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